tips for parents of future college students 


第一次送你的孩子上大学可能是一段令人生畏的经历. 而空巢迫在眉睫的威胁和突然安静的家庭带来的冲击会让人感到不舒服, nagging questions like “how am I going to pay for this?” and “will my child be safe?” are downright distressing. 

For those unfamiliar with this phase, 发现自己迷失在兴奋和焦虑的旋风中是很自然的. 缓解你的担忧,帮助你度过这个激动人心但又伤脑筋的过渡时期, 我们为即将进入大学的父母们准备了一份建议清单.  

Tip #1: Plan your finances

及早准备,讨论大学费用,探索奖学金和助学金等经济援助选择. 越早提交FAFSA和奖学金或助学金申请, the more likely it is you’ll receive more financial support, so make sure to stay ahead of important deadlines! 查看联邦和私人学生贷款的学费和其他费用. 

The reality is there’s only so much you can do together. 一定要和你未来的大学生坐下来,为他们在学校的时候制定一个现实的预算, including costs for things like school supplies and food, and compare college expenses. 鼓励明智的消费习惯,并探索其他收入途径,如勤工俭学或兼职工作,可以帮助你的孩子保持对自己支出的所有权. 十大网赌平台财务的公开沟通将帮助你的孩子在他们人生的新篇章中取得成功. 

Learn more about our options for financial aid. 99% of UB received grants or scholarships to make paying for college more affordable.  

Tip #2: Cover the basics of campus safety 

College campuses are overall incredibly safe, 但是,当学生们保持警惕,不让自己陷入妥协的境地时,他们是最安全的. 鼓励你的孩子保持警惕,注意校园周围的环境, especially at night, and remind them to travel in groups when possible.  

Most colleges also have 24/7 safety services. 将校园紧急正规的网赌平台保存到你的手机中,并确保你的孩子也保存了这些正规的网赌平台. 通过对他们的大学经历保持开放的沟通来支持你的孩子做出明智的决定.  

UB utilizes the LiveSafe app, which allows users to share their location, send tips and messages to Campus Security, access emergency services, and more. 当你的孩子第一次进入大学校园时,这个正规的网赌平台程序可能会给你和你的孩子带来一种舒适感.  

Visit our campus safety page to learn more. 

Tip #3: Lean on academic support

从学术上讲,大学是高中的一个重大转变. 大一新生可能会对突然涌入的工作和截止日期感到不知所措. It’s totally normal for them to feel overwhelmed.  

鼓励你的孩子熟悉校园的学术资源, such as tutoring, study groups, math labs, and more. 和你的孩子坐下来,教他们时间管理和组织能力的重要性,这样他们就能跟上课程表.  

在这段过渡时期,你可以通过鼓励他们独立来营造一个支持性的环境, 但一定要让他们知道你随时可以提供指导.  

At UB’s on-campus Heckman Center, we offer academic advising, tutoring, 以及其他资源来帮助你的学生充分利用他们的大学教育. Refer to our Office of Student Academic Success to learn more.  


 仍然不知道如何最好地帮助你的学生适应大学的过渡? Learn more by visiting our online hub for prospective parents! 


Tip #4: Offer mental health support

父母可以通过培养十大网赌平台情绪的公开对话来帮助孩子优先考虑心理健康, stress management, and self-care. Encourage your child to establish healthy routines, including adequate sleep, balanced nutrition, and regular exercise.  

强调在需要时寻求校园心理健康资源的重要性,并提醒他们寻求帮助是可以的. College is a big transition, so it’s normal for your child to feel very big emotions. Stay connected and supportive, 在他们应对过渡到大学生活的情感挑战时,倾听并验证他们的经历. 

At University of Bridgeport, 目前的学生可以免费获得全面的咨询服务. Learn more about UB’s counseling services today.  

Tip #5: Encourage their involvement


Together, create a checklist of essential items like bedding, storage solutions, and more, along with items that will make them feel more at home. Encourage practical purchases, 考虑双重用途家具和组织工具,以优化空间, 并提醒他们个性化他们的空间舒适和一种感觉 familiarity while keeping in mind the dorm’s rules and restrictions. 支持他们的决定,同时提供指导,以优化他们的宿舍体验. 

Tip #6: Help manage homesickness

学生们在离开学校后会有一些思乡之情,这是很正常的. This is a natural part of the college transition.  

如果你的孩子向你表达想家的想法,你肯定他们的感受是很重要的. 确保促进开放的沟通并安排定期检查. 鼓励你的孩子通过友谊在校园里建立一个支持网络, clubs and activities, and more. 参与校园活动有助于建立一种归属感, 让大学更有家的感觉,给你的孩子一个可以求助的安全网. 

Many students find that transitional objectsor 从家里带些有意义的小饰品——帮助他们适应大学生活. Furthermore, 偶尔给你的孩子寄一些关怀包裹,提醒他们回家可能会有所帮助. 每天打电话或每月拜访也可能有助于缓解孩子的思乡之情 -同时确保尊重他们独立的要求.  

Empower your students on their journey 

As you prepare to send your child off to college, we hope 这些建议可以作为这一转变之旅的指导指南针. From financial preparedness to academic support, these insights aim to ease both your and your child’s anxiety as they enter a new chapter of their lives. 

With these strategies in mind, 父母和他们的学生都可以自信地张开双臂迎接即将到来的大学冒险. 

 在此过渡期间,如果您有任何其他问题,请访问我们的 website for more tips and contact information.  

At University of Bridgeport, we put our students first. Learn more about how University of Bridgeport can support your child’s college journey today!