
Dean Elleithy Takes UB Engineering onto the Global Stage and into the Future

2023年秋季,正规的网赌平台(正规的网赌平台)博士. Khaled Elleithy was listed as one of the world’s top 2% career-long cited scientists 在所有领域. This distinction was based on more than 400 research papers published in national and international journals or presented at conferences, 5500多名 谷歌学术引文. Those articles and presentations include research in topics such as microstrip antenna design, 隐写术, 量子密码, 无线传感器网络中的数据融合, 以及人工智能的正规的网赌平台. His research group in Mobile and Wireless Communications won over 四十个奖项 在州和国家层面的研究论文和海报.

虽然他的成就可能是巨大的和杰出的. 埃利西不是一个在象牙塔里独自工作的学者. 三十年来, 他为布法罗大学的工科学生创作并授课, 于2005年获颁年度杰出教授奖. He has also undertaken numerous administrative roles, including as Ph.D. 正规的网赌平台负责人, 在线硕士课程顾问, 负责研究生学习和研究的副校长, 以及他现在的职位是 工程、商业和教育学院. It is no exaggeration to say that he is one of the driving forces behind UB engineering’s many successes, 扩大和推进BS, MS, 和Ph值.D. 正规的网赌平台, 管理认证和执照, 发展创新, 生物医学工程的前沿正规的网赌平台, 机电一体化, 机器人, 技术管理.

然而,博士. Elleithy sees these research, administrative, and teaching roles as necessarily interconnected.我一直在和博士一起工作.D. 自2006年该正规的网赌平台启动以来,学生们就一直在学习。. “I’m a strong believer that research has an impact on the education that we are providing our 学生.”

伊莱西赢得了他的第一份工作 计算机科学硕士 和埃及亚历山大大学的自动控制, 在来美国接受另一个硕士和博士学位之前.D. in Computer Science from the Center for Advanced Computer Studies at University of Louisiana at Lafayette. “我的Ph值.D. was in formal verification of computer architecture and very large-scale integration chips,埃利西说. “那时候, there were many efforts and investments from big companies like Intel and Motorola to spend in this direction. 这是一个非常复杂的过程,非常耗时.”

随着 计算机科学领域 随着时间发展, Elleithy changed his interests to network security and wireless and mobile technology. He developed one of the first courses in wireless communications and network security, 从那时起, 成千上万的布法罗大学的学生选修了这门课程. “There is a very strong connection between research and current technology and that is what we are trying really to teach our 学生,埃利西说.

总是期待着采用未来的技术, Elleithy pushed early on for his 学生 to focus on the emerging technologies surrounding artificial intelligence. “Some of the techniques and algorithms envisioning artificial intelligence go back to the 90年代初甚至更早但技术无法支持他们,”埃利西解释说. 但是在2010年左右, 学生 began to work with me on artificial intelligence detection or classification techniques. 今天,我们继续使用人工智能技术 解决现实世界的问题.

Elleithy also encourages his 学生 to participate in societies and 正规的网赌平台 outside of UB. 其中一个正规的网赌平台大挑战学者, recognized by the National Academy of Engineering and implemented by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE). 除了专业课程要求之外, 每个学生必须在研究领域表现出能力, 多学科的解决方案, 创业, 文化问题, 以及社会意识. “This is where ASEE sees the future of education for engineers,” Elleithy says. “Engineering is evolving,和 only way to keep up is through engagement with research.”

Julie Demers is the director of instruction-based and sponsored research, and works with Dr. 她参与了很多正规的网赌平台,包括 乌兰巴托上升 每年春天举行的活动. 通过海报展示和讲座, the day celebrates and promotes the incredible research being done across all disciplines by UB 学生, 教师, 和工作人员. “埃利西院长在他的领域拥有令人难以置信的学术知识, and he translates what he understands into ways that benefit the 学生,德默斯说。. “他是一个非常谦虚的人,但他的观众遍及全球. 他总是用这种方式说话, “我们需要去那里, 因此,让我们共同努力,确保我们实现这一目标.’”

除了乌兰巴托上升之外,德默斯还赞扬了. Elleithy for securing funding to give UB 学生 more opportunities to gain knowledge and skills in trending technology related fields. 她曾协助医生. Elleithy in implementing three Cyber Security certificate 正规的网赌平台. 对于这些倡议,Dr. 艾莱西是第二组的首席研究员 科技人才加速器资助 that allow up to 60 学生 to be “future-ready” in cybersecurity, 道德黑客, 网络安全职业. 此外,德默斯还指出. Elleithy taps into the extensive network of industry advisory board members in the 工程学院, 欧内斯特·C. Trefz商学院,和 创新中心 to secure seed funding that will support student and 教师 researcher activities.


Dr. 艾略特认为,研究的结合, 协作, and hard work can set 学生 apart and create avenues for success. 布法罗大学所有工程专业的学生,从学士到博士.D., 参与合作研究正规的网赌平台, 从2007年为手机制造天线到2007年的2.400万美元资助的正规的网赌平台, to building an artificial intelligence system that detects epileptic seizures today.

“有时候学生们认为我很强硬. 我真的在努力督促他们做好工作。. “They might feel the tension and the pressure, but that is helpful for them.这种压力导致UB的工程博士.D. 学生 to be some of the first to write dissertations on the practical applications of quantum computing. 其中一个毕业生, Muneer Alshowkan, is working today at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on a $250 million dollar funded project in quantum channels. “In some universities, there is little encouragement to do research,” says Alshowkan. “但布法罗大学的每个人都在做研究, 即使是在没有发行压力的早期阶段.”

6楼的创客空间th floor of Wahlstrom Library and an artificial intelligence laboratory are two other recent additions to the many engineering resources available on campus for UB’s Engineering 学生. Dr. Elleithy played a significant role in establishing these spaces on campus. 在不久的将来, Elleithy hopes to add a sustainable energy laboratory and an interdisciplinary collaborative laboratory that includes six different technologies in a shared open space, 包括人工智能, 机器人, 行业4.以及绿色技术. “Connecting these technologies together would be unique to UB,” he says. “它将为博士研究提供许多机会.D. 学生.”

穆罕默德·阿尔贾马尔(Muhammad Aljamal)于2021年作为博士来到UB.D. 计算机科学专业学生 & Engineering, and now serves as the president of UB Robotics Club and as a member of AIAA & 荣誉学会. “Dr. elithy的愿景是在资源方面支持学生. He is always talking to companies, looking for grants, and trying to upgrade everything,” he says. “There are many improvements since I started here and many more projects in the pipeline.”

“In 1943, IBM的总裁, 托马斯•沃森, 他说他想象的世界可能只有五台电脑,伊莱西笑着说. “技术总是在快速变化, which is why it is important to have strong research 正规的网赌平台 in education. Whatever content you were teaching five years ago, is totally different today. 在乌兰巴托, we keep upgrading and updating our instruction to reflect new areas to provide quality education, 让我们的学生为未来的工作做好准备.”

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